
Letter to The Montague and Capulets

                                                                        Letter to The Montague and Capulets                           This letter is to the Montague and Capulets, you guys have been fusing for so long in Verona Italy, and in the streets of Verona Italy. The whole world knows that it is time for this rivalry to come to an end.                          If this rivalry keeps on going someone is going to get seriously injured, hurt or fed-up someone can get killed from the rivalry. Verona and Italy is known for the city of peace that is giving tourists not a good view of Verona Italy, also people living in Verona Italy are not getting good  views of there country. One guy from the Montague family and one woman from the Capulet family, this rivalry can end up ruining Romeo, and Juliet relationship, because the Montagues can force Romeo to end his relationship with Juliet and the same thing with Juliet                        Starting from now we should start having limits bet

Robert. F Kenedys speach

                                        Robert. F kenedys speach                              Yesterday, on April 4 1968 Robert. F kenedy was giving a speach about the assasination of Martin Luther King jr. The speach was read on the city club of cleveland. Robert. F kenedy was reading his speach to his audience many black, and whites audience, to let them know he wants peace, the event was viewd helpful because it gave an idea to accept each other. Peoples reaction after the news where upset they gasped, and wailed in anguish that king has gotten killed.

The Price TO Be Rescued

                                                 The Price To Be Rescued                             We sometimes do irrespnsible actions that put us in life or death situations, but should we be held accontoble for our actions? It's our fault that we decide to put our selves under that risk, unless we have proof that it is not our fault, it is not any ones job to pay for our dangurous actions                            For example in The Seventh Man. When K got killed by the typhoon it is K's fault that he was standing super close to the wave, it is not the seventh man who was standing next to the wave. so, that's why the seventh man did not get in truble or needed to pay for k's death.                                       Furthure more it is not any one's job to pay for another person's dangrous action. For example, if you are in a highking group, and you decide to do a challenge jummping of a cliff and you end up with a broken bone it is not the group job fo

Lord of the Flies book review


The Seventh Man critical review

               '' The Seventh Man'' critical review             The Seventh Man short story is a good short story to read, if you are looking for a short story about survival. It explains about a survival story that happens in a typhoon. The characters are the Seventh Man and K, However K fails to survive in the typhoon, while The Seventh Man does. The Seventh Man gets so upset that he has a emotional shock and moves out of the country for 40 years, because K was his bestfriend and the Seventh Man did not save K on time.                After reading The Seventh Man it is belived  that humans should never go out during a storm, or before the storm, because it is not expected when the storm is gonna happen, even if  there are no signs of the storm, if the government says a bad storm is coming you can not go out              The Seventh Mans father told The Seventh Man not to go out brfore the storm. The Seventh Man begs his father to go out his father said, ''But
                                                                               Should Humans Pay For There Mistakes Of Survival                   People should pay for their dangerous action's they do because its there fault for choosing to do something irresponsible. Its not the governments, or the rescue teams fault for you doing a dangerous action. For example, The Cost of Survival stated "some people wind up in trouble because of bad luck, but others make dangerous choices''.  This sentence restates what is mentioned above it's  peoples choice for doing a dangerous action, not the governments fault, nor it is not the rescues team's fault of peoples action.
 Ibrahim Al Khatib         Monday 31st october  2022                                      How Is American Identity Created?                How is an American identity created? American identity is created by you going thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport. you need to have multiple parts, aspects, or feelings about being American. being American also means you have parents or grandparents from America.             For example when you go thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport, it is one thing of how American identity is created, that is called naturlization. Naturliation means you go thrugh the prosses of getting American  passport. But, that is not enugh if you go and live in America and get the passport. that does not make you an American If you live in America for a couple of years and get the passport that does not mean you are American. In the Immigrant contribution president John F. Kennedy went thrugh naturlization and struggled.              Further m