Ibrahim Al Khatib         Monday 31st october  2022

                                     How Is American Identity Created?

               How is an American identity created? American identity is created by you going thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport. you need to have multiple parts, aspects, or feelings about being American. being American also means you have parents or grandparents from America.

            For example when you go thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport, it is one thing of how American identity is created, that is called naturlization. Naturliation means you go thrugh the prosses of getting American  passport. But, that is not enugh if you go and live in America and get the passport. that does not make you an American If you live in America for a couple of years and get the passport that does not mean you are American. In the Immigrant contribution president John F. Kennedy went thrugh naturlization and struggled.

             Further more there is something called descendants, that is more added to how American identity is created. Descendants means your parents or grandparents are American. the Immigrant contribution stated "because all Americans have been immigrants or the descendants of immigrants

          being an American is a feeling. You have the freedom of speech. I can travel the world by being an American because I do not need visa or a pre-visa. I also feel strong, and safe being an American for belonging to a country which has a strong army that can protect me.

             My sisters lived in America to study in university, I visited them in New York I felt great like the city I was In and, I would love too go back there again one day.
