March 19 2022

By  Ibrahim Al Khatib


                                        Freedom Is Important

Imagine  someone making a choice for you. Imagine you are forced to do specific things. Imagine you have no freedom of choice would you like it I doubt that. It is very important to have freedom of choice because people should not be forced they should have there own choice and opinion, also because people wont be good at things if they are forced to do things.

People shouldn't be forced because its important to have your own opinion and choice, because imagine for example you were forced to love a specific person but in your opinion that person is bad and you are forced to like bad people then all you will Know is bad people. Another reason why people should have there own opinion and choice is because Imagine you were forced to eat a specific food and then you wont be able to try food you always wanted to try and you don't know if the food you wanted to try if its good or bad.

Moving on people wont be good at things if they are forced to do things. Because lets say you really want to play a specific sport but you were forced to play another sport. Then you wont be good at the sport you were forced to play because you will only have passion on the sport you wanted to play. Another example is lets say you wanted to work one job but your parents forced you to work as another job you wont be good on the other job because you don't have passion in it.

In conclusion you will be more of a better person if you have freedom of choice and you can be a expert at something so that's why you shouldn't let anyone make a choice for you and force you.
