
Showing posts from October, 2022
 Ibrahim Al Khatib         Monday 31st october  2022                                      How Is American Identity Created?                How is an American identity created? American identity is created by you going thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport. you need to have multiple parts, aspects, or feelings about being American. being American also means you have parents or grandparents from America.             For example when you go thrugh the prosses of getting the American passport, it is one thing of how American identity is created, that is called naturlization. Naturliation means you go thrugh the prosses of getting American  passport. But, that is not enugh if you go and live in America and get the passport. that does not make you an American If you live in America for a couple of years and get the passport that does not mean you are American. In the Immigrant contribution president John F. Kennedy went thrugh naturlization and struggled.              Further m
      Appart Of Waldorf Mission and Vision I’am apart of the Waldorf schools vision and mission because I can see my self studying In a good university If I stay in in the Waldorf school because Waldorf states, “ It is Important to have a will to practical action’’ and I do have a will to practical action because if there is something I don't like or thats annoying me I have the will to take action properly.Waldorf school also states that “Life long love of learning’’ and I do want to always learn because I love learning new things in my life. The Waldorf school also states that “creative Independent thinker’’ and I want to be and I’am a creative Independent thinker’’. By explaining all these points I personally think that the Waldorf school of Jordan fits me.